World War IV Daily



al-Qaeda Strikes in Pakistan >>> al-Qaeda once again shows that it is no amateur when it comes to pulling off high-profile terror attacks with a hefty psychological impact. Four people were killed--including a US diplomat--and fifty-two people were wounded in a massive car bomb attack in Pakistan timed to coincide with President Bush's visit to that country. Roggio has a number of links that are worth following--especially this ABC News story--and he correctly notes the significance of Pakistan in connection with al-Qaeda. He also has a couple maps of the site where the attack took place for the tactically-minded to examine.

OU Suicide Bombing: The Truth Comes Out? >>> It's been a LONG time since anything new came out on the OU suicide bombing--refresh your memory here--but finally there has been some confirmation of what many of us were saying all along: It was a failed terrorist attack. I hope to cover this in additional detail in this weekend's SFS.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra in the Spotlight >>> The interesting thing about the York, South Carolina compound is that it seems to be tailored for a public relations role, where as the other JF compounds--like Red House, VA or Hancock, NY--are more of the paramilitary persuasion, with firing ranges, armed sentries, and boot-camp style obstacle courses. I have very little confidence that the news media will be able to reveal anything significant about these compounds or even Jamaat ul-Fuqra as a whole, but what they CAN do is attract the attention of certain people with both the capabilities and interest in doing so. Perhaps the US government?


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